Monday, June 30, 2008

Scout's fun trip to Quincy

Clara is almost 5 months old

She loves putting things in her mouth but so far, no sign of teeth.

This past weekend we enjoyed a trip to Quincy/Crescent Bar to spend time with Kevin's family. The weather was HOT, but we had a lot of fun.

Kevin and Clara look out over the orchard

Bubble Beard - not an uncommon sight!

Clara with her cousins, Hailey, Ashley & Taylor. Too much cuteness!

Scout is learning to maneuver herself around by rolling, turning and pushing off objects. She doesn't stay still for very long!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WOW!! Such a fast 20 weeks!!

Little Scout is already 20 weeks old. At times we are floored at how fast the weeks are flying by, yet feel like she has always been a part of our lives.
Clara's hands are almost ALWAYS in her mouth, sometimes she tries to get a finger in with her pacifier or while she is eating!

She really enjoys her exersaucer and within the past week has advanced so much in her playing. She has learned how to engage with the toys and can turn herself with her feet!

Pretty Baby!

Grandma Jan is on summer break and was able to come and spend a week with us. Clara and Grandma are the best of friends. Mommy & Daddy were able to go out on a few dates too!

After her bath, looking pretty sweet!

Another adorable bunny outfit from Michele (and AGAIN, posing with both hands in her mouth)!

Daddy's girl ~ she looks more and more like him every day

Spoiled girl, playing with all of her toys!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day in the Daisies

Clara ~ 19 weeks old

At 19 weeks Clara is such a sweetie pie. We have established a solid sleeping routine (mainly for naps as she has always slept through the night). This makes her wakeful periods a lot of fun. She likes to be tickled and laughs when Mom and Dad sing silly songs.

Clara's hair is not as thick as when she was born and as much as we try to keep it brushed down, she typically has crazy hair.

Trying out her exersaucer for the first time - Lots of fun things to play with while standing up!

Getting chubbier...

All dolled up in her fancy dress from Grandma Carol.

Our happy little family (at Aunt Joyce and Uncle Larry's 50th Anniversary Celebration)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Scout is 4 months old!!

Clara Natalie is 4 months old.
Such a sweetie pie!

Hanging out in the baby pod !

Scout is a country girl at heart!