Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rough Week for Clara

This past week lil' Scout has been teething and by the looks of her swollen gums, four of her top teeth have been causing her some trouble. On top of that she has a little cold which may or may not be related to the teething. The poor little thing just really hasn't been herself. We know she is doing her best to be peppy and happy during the days, but the nights have been rough on us all. Unfortunately, that means we haven't taken as many photos as normal, although here is one shot that is so darn cute, it makes up for the lack of shots. Gotta love our sweetie's BIG brown eyes!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pajama Fun!!

Grandma Jan bought Taylor Alain and Clara Natalie matching Spring Bunny Pajamas. She put the girls in them for the first time during our visit this past weekend and we tried to catch a few photos. These little gals are so active but have such a blast being together!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A week FULL of outings!!

Clara's walking has come quite a ways in the past week. She has shifted to walking only when encouraged to all the time, even when it is quite apparent that crawling would be more convenient (like through a play tunnel). It is so fun to see her toddle around the house, usually carrying one of her favorite toys which include Little People, her purse, a bath fish or her most favorite of recent - a spoon. Scout gets into her drawer and gets our a big plastic measuring spoon! She likes sharing "bites" with Mom & Dad!

This past week, our little Scout enjoyed several fun outings with friends. Being able to walk makes all the difference at some of the kid play areas! Above Clara has latched right onto a checkbook and cash register at Pottery Barn Kids. We went here on an outing with Logan and Hayden Fisher, her special buddies, and of course Christy a very special buddy of Mom's. Such a fun day!

Hayden has such a great mechanical mind and loves building things. He got to go to the Lego store and pick out his own pieces from the bulk Legos - too cool!

Logan is just so sweet here pushing the doll buggy. He and Hayden took turns pushing Clara around in her stroller in the mall and are so good to her.

Later in the week, we took a family trip to Toys R' Us/Babies R' Us to look at umbrella strollers. We took Clara over to the toy section and she loved checking out the bikes, and rideable trucks! We are thoroughly enjoying all the fun play time and interest she has in just about EVERYTHING!!
Snuggling up with her favorite blanket Christy made for her

On Friday, we had beautiful weather (funny because it is snowing like crazy at the moment) and our buddy Kate came to visit. We all went on a walk to the park to play. Kate & Clara had on matching pink high tops - pretty awesome!!

Mommy & Scout at the park - She love to swing!!

Clara and Mommy also made a fun shopping trip with Clara's little boyfriend, Davis, and his mom Cindy. We had a fun lunch and went to the Kids Cove at the mall and the kids had a blast climbing on all of the equipment. The kids wore themselves out! It was wonderful!
On Saturday, Mommy got her day out with friends why Clara and Daddy stayed home to watch Husky basketball with some friends. It was a nice little get away and fun bonding time for Kev and Scout!
Clara and Mommy have been attending a great playgroup here in our neighborhood since late October. Clara has made some great friends and Mommy really likes the other parents and care-givers. Every Friday we have Spanish songs which has become an absolute favorite of Clara's. She "sings" and keeps rhythm by clapping on her legs and it is just too sweet. The group just updated the website and we are in one of the photos. It's not the best shot of either of us, but still fun to check out:

Monday, March 2, 2009

We have a walking girl!!

Little Miss Scout enjoyed a fun visit from Great Grandma & Grandpa Swanson. She loved getting to spend time with them. Above she shares one of her favorite books with Papa Bob.

Clara enjoyed sharing G.G. and Papa all her "tricks" and a few hours into their stay she was inspired to WALK from the ottoman to Mommy all by herself!!! This was a huge breakthrough!! When she received praise from all her cheerleaders with her first attempt, she kept doing it over and over. Mom kept backing up each time and she was taking between 6 and 7 steps. By the end of the night she was walking across the room!
One of her first independent walking voyages - the tongue overflow is hilarious!

Cuddles with Great Grandma Wanda