Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Scout's Most Recent Photo Shoot

As one of my mom's group activities, a friend of mine hosted a photo playdate at her house where the kids ran around and had fun while a photographer snapped shots of them. Here are some of our favorites from the fun day. Clara's best shots (as above) were from when she climbed on top of the kids table and attacked all the other kiddo's snacks! Away from home, Clara turns into a bottomless pit and is such a mooch about food. We get such a kick out of her!

Photos by clarissa mae photography

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

~ Mama's Weekend Off ~

This past weekend Mama and her cousins ended up having an impromptu girls weekend in Crescent Bar leaving Daddy & Clara on their own - Not really, since they went to stay with Grandma & Grandpa in Quincy for the weekend. It was Kevin's first time with Clara without Mama around, but he had lots of helpers and it ended up being a great weekend for us all. They had a BBQ and swim party at Auntie Sherri's on Saturday and then another BBQ at Grandma & Grandpa's on Sunday afternoon before they came to pick up Mama. Clara loves being with her cousins and seeing all of cousin Ashley & Jason's many pets. Kevin was a nice daddy and even scheduled a playdate for Clara with the daughter of a friend of his from high school.

Mama on the other hand enjoyed the sun, relaxing meals, sipping yummy beverages by the pool, boating, sleeping in till 10:00 both mornings and best of all the company of my FUN cousins that I do not get the opportunity to see that often. It was such a treat! By Sunday morning I was missing Clara quite a bit so was nice when she and Kevin showed up for a little swim time and fun with the family too.

Daddy & Daughter Time

Exploring in Grandma's Garden

Playdate with Lucy (14 months)

Clara chasing after Lucy - Mama was sad she missed getting to see the girls play. Hopefully we'll meet up with the Blantons again soon.

Art time with Ashley, Hailey & Zane

Grandma's Girl

Cousins and our kids: Danielle, Nick, Nathan, Dusty, Braeden, Kennedy, Jennifer, Kevin, Kendal, Clara & Mama

She wasn't too sure of this kiddie pool at first either, but after seeing the kids play and hanging out on the edge for a while she got in and played hard till we had to drag her out of it.

Not having it!!

After having such a blast at the sprinkler park, we remembered that Grandma Jan bought Clara this neat sprinkler/splash mat. We thought Clara would love it and set it up on a warm evening last week in the back yard. Ha! She was terrified of it - cried and clung to Daddy. In the photo above, the water part is turned off and she still wouldn't have anything to do with it.

This isn't the first thing that Clara had all of the sudden become afraid of. She had been fearful of the bathtub when we stayed in a hotel a week prior and screamed after she was given a balloon from the nice gal at Nordstrom who helped fit Clara's new shoes. It just must be a developmental stage and while the situations now are silly, we are glad she is not completely fearless!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sprinkler Park with Good Friends

There really isn't much better than getting together with a group of childhood friends and their kids on a sunny day to picnic and play in the park. Christy, Hayden, Logan, Meagan, Joelie, Kallee, Sara, Dacey, Kyan and Celisse met up with Clara & I at Recreation Park in Chehalis this past week. Some friends, Clara had not even met before so it was a BIG treat. The park has a sprinkler park for the kids and it was such a hit!

In the photo above, you see her interestingly going into the water and literally 10 seconds later, she ran back out. After a while, and some watching of the other kids, she figured the sprinkler thing out!
Having a blast! Clara loved tagging around with the older kids.

Sara, Christy & Dacey

Meg & cutie pie, Joelie

Celisse and Clara share bubbles

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family Weekend in Coeur D' Alene

We just returned from a fun family weekend in Coeur D'Alene, ID to celebrate my cousin Dusty's graduation from nursing school. It had been years since we had been to visit and it was Clara's first trip to Idaho. What fun we had!! It was such a treat to get to see everyone and relax in the charming little town. We had a BBQ on the lake and spent a lot of time at my aunt and uncle's new home. Now we are looking forward to going back again soon.

Above Clara was running nakey around our hotel room and was in such a silly mood. She did this right before she initiated goodnight kisses for both Mommy & Daddy - we were so touched!

Clara with her second cousins, Nick, Nathan, Braeden & Kennedy
She had so much fun interacting with them!

Out on the boardwalk in Coeur D'Alene

Clara enjoying her very own mini ice cream cone - she really savored it!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

One of the life lessons that we are slowly learning since Clara's arrival is that simpler can often be better. This year for the 4th of July we stayed home, or at least pretty close to home. Our neighborhood had their 2nd annual Independence Day BBQ. It was a fun (and laid back) time for all three of us being steps away from home while enjoying great company and food. Clara found delight in one of the neighbors chair that she could get herself in and out of. While many of the other kids ran around and played in the pool, she was content for quite a while checking it all out from this chair.
Our family together in the park.

Clara & her buddy, Davis, play at the water table. Such a perfect activity for the WARM day!
After the long, lazy day we caught a few of the neighbor's fireworks and turned in early. How our lives have changed since Kevin & his buddies hosted those CRAZY 4th parties at the Hilltop house, although, we both agree that while different, the family lifestyle is a welcomed and wonderful change!