Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beachy Bathtime Fun!

We have been meaning to redecorate an upstairs bathroom for the girls for a while now and Daddy found some time in his busy schedule to paint the bathroom, so we finally got it put together. Clara once saw a Little Mermaid shower curtain at Target and NEVER forgot about it. Every time I asked her imput about a cute bathroom set, she would say, "I want an Under the Sea bathroom." And while I have come a long way in accepting my daughter's love of all things princesses, I was not about to devote an entire room in our home to the theme. When I found this, I felt it was a good compromise, beachy, yet not too Disney.

The girls have so much fun during bathtime!

What's been happening at our house...

Somehow it has been a busy summer! Despite not having big travel plans and not all that much summer weather, we have managed to keep really busy and this mama is a little behind on the blogging. It has become important to me to keep up with since I am not putting a whole lot of time into baby books, organizing photos or scrapbooks, so this little blog has somehow become a record of the happenings of our household. Here are some fun photos of our sweethearts!

Janie is getting into everything she can. She loves to take all of the contents out of a bin or drawer, looking at each item. While we have lots of toys strewn about, we are loving the curiosity.Fashionista Clara dressing up in the Nordstrom delivery, shirt for her and Mommy's boots!

Janie is loving all of the toddler toys of Clara's. She's always backing into everything in the Cozy Coupe and so badly wants to make the horn sound, but has yet to push it firmly enough on her own. Clara and Davis are still great pals, although now that he is in school, we see less of the little dude! This playdate they were having fun driving in their "car".

Janie pulling herself up in her crib!

Parallel Play! Clara has a renewed interest in all of the baby toys and Janie is content for long stretches of time as long as Clara is playing nearby.

Daddy's Girls!

Janie & Clara adore their Daddy! He was in London this past week for work and their favorite playmate and story teller was sure missed! As a Mommy, getting to watch these tender moments of our girls with Daddy are such a thrill. As a "Daddy's Girl" myself, I know how important their relationship is now, and at every stage of their lives. Good thing he's a great one!

Janie is 11 months old!!

Our little Gem-Baby has done a lot of changing in the past month! Somewhere in the past few weeks it seemed like she turned the corner from being a baby to well on her way to toddlerhood! How can this be!?! Even getting her to sit still for her photos this month was a challenge as she is really on the move.

This month, Janie started crawling and immediately after started pulling herself up on furniture large toys, and of course her crib. She is a little timid still with the push toys but is a big fan of pulling herself up on the baby gates we have put up and shaking them to get our attention. Even when they are left open, she shuts them just so she can stand up and shake them - Silly Turkey!!

Little Janie continues to have a great sense of humor and sure does a lot of laughing. We have been working on learning body parts (her favorites to say are "nose" and "toes") and animal sounds. We have some fun books with animals that we look at and make the different sounds. She seems to be catching on with a few of them. The other day when Janie and Mommy were on a walk, she spotted the neighbors cat and called out "Ma-ow, Ma-ow" - I was so surprised yet tickled at how smart our little sweetie seems to be! (Yes, I know, every parent thinks their child is a genius! Even though with my line of work, I know better, still we are always amazed at how bright and talented our children are. All children are pretty darn amazing, really!)

Sweet Janie likes playing with the Little People sets, blocks, puzzle pieces and playing in the play kitchen with Clara. She has already mastered the art of pretend eating. Clara has always liked to play pretend food, but right now her interest in it has surged so many times a day she serves it up to Janie, Daddy & Mommy. It really isn't at all surprising that J-Bug caught on to so quickly. Janie also loves to unload a bin or basket of all of its contents, so there a lots of piles of toys all over our house. She gets the best grin on her face when she does it, so the mess is all worth it!

For most of the month, Janie still just had the one tooth, but the other bottom front tooth has broke through and we can see a little white starting to peek out on the top left. Her single-tooth grin has been a lot of fun, but will be changing soon. Between teething, traveling to the beach and having a little cold, some of the progress we made with sleep last month was not maintained. She still wakes up several times per night and we are working towards getting her back to sleep with out eating. Some mornings she wakes up before 6:00 and is ready to play. Right about the time I get her to go back down (close to 2 hours later), it is time for Clara to wake up.

Janie is a great eater! With just one tooth, she still manages to put back lots of food and crackers. She really doesn't have much patience for baby food (we occasionally give her some to use up some of the supply we bought) but really loves any finger food we put on her tray. Veggies, fruit, cheese, meat, rice, bread, bland or with added spices, whatever... this kid will eat it! One big change this past month is her preference for bottles. I guess Mama just can feed her fast enough and so she typically only nurses twice a day. I recognize that it is a good time to transition, but still a little bittersweet from my perspective. It is just one more way, our little baby is no longer a baby.

Janie loves music. When she hears a song she likes she does this funny seated dance, twisting at the waist. She enjoys doing the hand motions to certain sayings like, "How big is Janie... So big!" or songs like, Wheels on the Bus continues to be her favorite song, but she also really gets into Twinkle Twinkle and All the Fishies! The other day, while singing Twinkle Twinkle, we realized that Janie was making a diamond with her fingers and we were amazed that she caught on so quickly. It really doesn't seem like that long ago that Clara was doing the same trick.

Janie is really willing to say a lot of words. I find myself doing a lot less signing because she will say most things that we prompt her to. Whether or not she understands is another story, but she goes through phases through the day where she is such a chatter box. And then there is the screeches. We thought Clara was loud and high pitched, but Janie seems to have topped Clara in that regard. WOW!! It is always when she is happy, but when she does it in public, EVERYONE looks at her. When she gets that kind of attention, it sure makes it hard to extinguish that type of behavior!

As she gets older, more and more of her little personality comes through. And while she is such a sweetheart, full of smiles and giggles, we are picking up on her strong sense of curiosity and her stubborn nature. Where we seemed to be able to easily distract Clara at this age from whatever dangerous/not ideal item that caught her eye, Janie is far more focused and persistent. You should see the face this kid makes when we tell her "no" (the 2nd or 3rd time, before it sinks in) I am sure these traits will serve her well in her future, but we are finding it to present some quirky parenting challenges. I see even more child safety precautions in our future!

At 11 months, we are in the process of planning our little gal's first birthday party and doing lots of wondering about how a year could possible go by so incredibly fast. And how much one little girl can enrich our little family!

Friday, August 26, 2011

"New" Bike!

Kevin's co-worker recently gave Clara this great "Seahorse" bike that is just her size. Daddy fixed it up with some great training wheels and he and Clara took it out for a little spin. We still have to get her a helmet that fits right, and maybe some knee pads, but she is starting to get the hang of it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Manzanita Trip 2011 - Part 2

For the second half of this year's summer trip to the beach house we were joined by the Fisher Family. We had all done the trip together 2 years ago and had so much fun we just had to do it again. As the kids get older, there seems like there is more and more for them to do at the beach and we kept busy the whole time: Seaside, including the aquarium, carousel rides and treats from The Candy Man; Cannon Beach, warm day on the beach, playground fun and pizza at the park; Tilamook for the cheese factory and Blue Heron petting zoo, Munson Falls hike, Rockaway Beach for fish & chips, and lots of fun in the sand on Manzanita beach. Despite some rough nights, Miss Janie was such a trooper and took some naps in the stroller and Ergo carrier. She was captivated by the activity of all of the older kids and even got a lot of sweet attention from her birthday pal, Logan.

On Monday, Cory and Kevin had to head back to work, but our friend Dacey from high school came down with her kids, Kyan & Celisse, for one night. The kids were in heaven with the fun adventures, great playmates and of course, our stops for ice cream! Hopefully we will be able to continue this tradition in the years to come. It gives us all an opportunity for us to catch up and allows our kiddos to make exciting memories together.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Manzanita Trip 2011 - Part 1

Vacationing in Manzanita has been a part of our relationship from the very beginning in 2000. Over the past 11 years we have made many trips down together, brought along dear friends and made several trips with our wonderful families. Through these trips silly little things have been established as tradition, like stops for Tilamook ice cream (typically something fruity for Kevin and either something chocolaty or sometimes bubble gum for me), visiting the Blue Heron Cheese Co.(originally for the wine and cheese and now for the petting zoo), crab dinners (the fresher the better), salt water taffy (from The Candy Man), and even indulging in a tasty snack of (albeit artery clogging) Con Queso and chips. What pleasure it now brings us to share these traditions and continue making more with our children.

While standing on the beach watching my incredible husband play with our little sweeties, I experienced a flashback of a long walk we once took on Manzanita beach when we were newly engaged, excitedly dreaming of our future together. We painted this cute little picture of coming to the beach with our own children and all of the fun that would be had, only to get to look up and see this playing out before my very eyes. SO AMAZING!!

This trip we had Grandma & Grandpa Stevens and G.G. & Papa Bob join us for our first few days. It was Janie's first trip (special that she started to crawl at the beach house) and Clara is at such a great age to explore and enjoy the beach.

On our first trip down to the actual beach, Janie was asleep in her carrier the whole time. The next trip we were so excited to see her reaction to the sand, with fond memories of Clara's delight during her first time. I guess we must have pushed back her nap a little too far, because we set her down and she started to cry. Poor baby! We tried again the next day and it didn't take her long to figure out that she loves it as much as the rest of us.

We took so many photos during our trip, that the only way to share a fraction of them was to make a Smilebox.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

She's a Crawler!!!

July 30, 2011

Something about being at the beach house was all it took to pique J-Bug's curiosity enough to get her crawling. Maybe it was the long car ride, maybe the lack of proper child-safety precautions that intrigued her, or maybe it was just always having a audience since we were joined by Grandma & Grandpa Stevens and G.G. & Papa Bob, but from the moment we set her down after our arrival in Manzanita, she started moving around. At first it was more of the scooting and lunging movement. She had been doing this at home, but not nearly as quickly. Then it morphed into a bear crawl or shuffle with one leg still turned in for 2 strides, but she would chicken out and end up back on her bum.

When she finally put the pieces together and got her arms and legs synchronized, I really couldn't believe my eyes. She has been teasing us for so long ALMOST crawling.

Now, it was clear that it was not always her favorite thing to do because there were lots of whines and screeches, but boy was this kiddo determined. It seemed that the spiky ball and her little car were the two toys that seemed to really get her going.

By the end of the day, she was getting across the large master bedroom of the beach house. She knew she was doing something pretty special and Daddy, Clara and Mommy are all her biggest fans!
So proud of you Janie Caroline! Now the real fun begins trying to keep you corralled!