Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gem Baby is THREE!

We have created a fun tradition of letting the girls have sweet treats for their birthday breakfast.  Janie thoroughly enjoyed her donuts.  Daddy stayed home for the morning and we let her open some of her gifts.  Look at that sweet smile!


Once of the big hits for our Gabba obsessed three year old, was this musical boom box and DJ Lance hat Mama got to model.  We capped off the day with Janie's request of having dinner at Chuck E. Cheese.

A few days later we welcomed our family and close friends to celebrate with us at a Yo Gabba Gabba themed party!  Our sweet Janie Bug had a wonderful day and looked so stinkin' cute in her new Yo Gabba Gabba dress.  In typical fashion, Mama goes a little overboard with the crafts but loves getting to be creative in doing it!

Some days it seems absolutely impossible that Janie has been a part of our family for three whole years, but now it becomes harder and harder to remember family life without our little spunky girl.  She is such a gift and we are so darn proud of her!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Boo hoo hoo... We now have a Kindergartener!

Our sweet little "Scout" the reason we started this blog over 5 year ago is headed off to Kindergarten!  NO WAY! 
No doubt about it, this girl was ready for school and SO excited that her best pa1 Davis is also in her class. 

I love this shot of Clara on the bus.  She was so excited that she rushed on once the bus arrived and grinned ear to ear from her seat.  Behind her is her pal Cole who is equally excited about his bus ride.  We lucked out that there is only one class of PM Kindergarteners and all the kids that are bussed from the Highlands ride the bus together.  I remember how intimidating my first bus experience was because of all the older kids.  Clara continues to enjoy riding the bus and opts to ride even when I am going to be volunteering in her class and can take her.
Honestly, it was Clara's enthusiasm about it all, and complete lack of attachment to us that had me sobbing as the bus pulled away.  With all that we do to prepare them for this day, I know that she handled the transition beautifully, and yet somehow it still stings watching her let go with ease.

Clara starting school is also a pretty big deal for sweet Janie.  She just misses the pre-school cut off date and will be home with me another year.  While the weather has been nice, we have been spending a lot of time in the park before and after we drop Clara at the bus stop and she has a great time playing with the little siblings of Clara's classmate.  Above, Janie is hanging out with her friend Dylan. 

~ Just a fun opportunity to take some shots of our BIG GIRL ~

I didn't think that we'd be "those parents" but we followed the bus and were there to see her into the classroom.  The teacher explained that they would all turn and wave to us and it would be our cue to go.  It isn't a great photo, but it was a monumental moment in our life.  And as I walked out of her classroom, the flood gates opened again.  At least Clara never saw me cry.

Kevin worked from home that day so we both got to greet her when she got off the bus.  She was happy to see us and appeared pretty tired.  She said she loved it, but wasn't convinced she wanted to go back the next day.  After only a few days, she changed her tune and now LOVES school so much she's like to go on the weekends!  SUCCESS!

Our newest friend... Jensen

One of our favorite families welcomed their newest addition this August 26th, 2013. 
 Mr. Jensen Danger Keddington!  With as much time as we spend with the Keddington Family, this is a pretty exciting transition for our family as well.  Jensen is such a sweet baby and we love getting to snuggle him! 
To help big brother Davis with the transition we held a BIG BROTHER party for him instead of a shower.  It was simple but incorporated some of Davis' favorite things like orange pop and Star Wars fruit snacks.