Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Last day of Kindergarten

What a magical year this past year has been!  A magical year for friendships!  At first we were not thrilled when Clara was assigned PM Kindergarten and separated from several of her already established friendships in the neighborhood.  Since she and Davis were in the same class, she wasn't phased and as the year went on she became close with Cole, Jake and Lily who were also in her class.  Even better was that the mamas all bonded through pick-ups and drop offs in the park along with the occasional playdate.  Friendships I am not sure what I would have done last year without.

The weather this past year was atypically nice and we logged lots of hours in Kirk Park letting the kiddos play, watching them fight over turns on the swings and run off all their abundant energy.  Clara watched her special friend Davis become close with boy pals Cole & Davis, learning some tough lessons about growing up and learning to fit in with the boys.  The younger siblings played became friends as well.  But the mama friendships were what made the year so great for me.  We helped one another out by watching kids, listened as one another navigated life changes, all became better mamas because of one another. 

The gang as they got on the buss for the last day in Miss Davis' PM Kindergarten class.

After School...

When the kids got off the bus we celebrated with snacks on the bus.  Bittersweet because our friends Cole & Davis will be moving out of the neighborhood over the summer.  But ever so thankful for the wonderful year it was!

Clara's Kindergarten year flew by but we got to see a lot of great growth in her, emotionally, in her learning and her overall maturity.  She loves school and is kind and thoughtful to her peers.  That is really what is important to her Mom & Dad!  It is also pretty cool that she is blooming into a stellar reader!  We are SO proud of our Scout!