Sunday, September 21, 2014

Janie turns FOUR!

"It's a small world" has been the theme for Janie's last year.  She wanted the dolls for Christmas, insisted on the song and/or book each night at bed time, and asked for her big girl room to have a small world theme.  It really came as no big surprise that when it was time to plan her birthday, she also wanted a Small World party.  Luckily her other demands were few and so we threw together a fun family celebration for our sweet little gal.

Like most Sundays from September through January in our state, it was a Seahawks Sunday so Janie shared the spotlight with her favorite team a little.  The weather was great so the kiddos had fun out in the back yard with squirt guns while the adults were glued to the game. 


At halftime, Janie blew our her candles and then got to make her big announcement.  "I'm going to be a big sister!"  She is so excited for what the year ahead will bring. 

We can't believe FOUR year have passed since we brought this snuggly, sweet baby girl home from the hospital and have been amazed and surprised by her every day!  She is so kind and considerate to others, she is already a nurturer always wanting to help and take care of us.  She has strong opinions and knows just what she likes, but her energy is infectious and fun! We are BLESSED!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back to School

 Clara started first grade at Grand Ridge Elementary this year.

Janie had her first day of school at the Community Center preschool .  She only attends two half days a week, but this is a big step for our little gal.  She is so proud and immediately loved her teachers, Mrs, Vanessa & Mrs, GiGi, as well as her classmates.  We are so proud of how much Janie has matured lately and how eager she is to learn new things.  She will be one of the older kids in the class with her late birthday, but we hope that this creates a nice opportunity for her to step up and become a leader among the group. 

When asked what she likes best about school, Janie replied with "that my teacher is nice."