Monday, April 14, 2008

Scout At 10 Weeks!

This past week was a special one for little Clara. Grandma Jan came up to spend Spring Break with us. They had lots of fun together and allowing the opportunity for Mommy & Daddy to get out on mini-date! Clara also is becoming a good shopper with Grandma and Mommy and had her first photos taken.

She has started kicking and wiggling around a LOT more now!

Enjoying Tummy Time - not always her favorite thing!

Over the weekend we took a family trip to Qunicy to visit Kevin's family.

Hanging out with Daddy and Grandpa Murray

She also met her Great-Grandpa Zane for the first time.

In Qunicy, we all attended Clara's cousin Zane's 4th Birthday.

She seemed to love being around all her cousins (here with Hailey, Jason, Taylor and Ashley).

1 comment:

Stash said...

She is so big and cute! I can't wait to visit her and you guys again! Clara must be doin' backflips by now! ;)