Monday, September 1, 2008

Our Growing Kid!

The past few weeks have flown by and Scout is changing a lot.  She has been trying all sorts of new foods, is content playing with her toys by herself and rolls all around after her toys.  We have noticed that her hair is starting to grow although it seems to be much lighter than we originally thought - one of the few traits she may have got from Mommy!  Blog updates have been tough since we have been experiencing some computer "issues" and Clara and Mommy have been sick.  Therefore, there has not been much sleep in our household!  Although for a kid with a cold, Clara remains happy and playful most of the time.  

Rollin' Girl
Having fun with her counting crab
Hanging in the back yard with Daddy
What an adorable bunny she makes!

Silly faces for the camera
Sweetie Pie!
First biter biscuit - what a mess!
Playing tractor with Uncle Ryan

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