Thursday, October 2, 2008

Clara meets more family and plays in the pumpkins!!

Last weekend, Clara and Mommy went to Rufus, Oregon along with Grandma and Grandpa to meet with family we do not have the opportunity to see very often. It was wonderful to get together and Clara shared a lot of laughs and smiles with everyone.

Grandpa Mark offers Scout her first taste of watermelon - MMMM, GOOD!

Clara also had a little photo session with Grandma and Grandpa Stevens and some of the pumpkins and gourds they have harvested from their garden. Again, she is such a little ham for the camera. The name carved in the pumpkin is something that Grandpa always used to do for Mommy, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Matt when they were little, so it was pretty special when Taylor and Clara started getting their very own pumpkins. Last year, Miss Clara had a smaller one that said "Baby Scout".

She liked holding on to this "Clara sized" pumpkin.

So many smiles for Grandma and Grandpa that it was hard to get her to even look at Mommy! The do get pretty darn goofy though!

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