Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Clara is ONE!!

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Could it possibly be that we have a one year old child!?! How fast the year has flown by, but what a wonderful year it has been. Clara is now so much fun. She loves to do new things and be around people. She is constantly exploring whatever environment we are in - she pulls things out of drawers, knocks down items from the grocery store shelves and has also tried alternative uses for some of her toys, like climbing through her exersaucer (and getting stuck). She remains stubborn about the walking and while she will cruise all around the house holding on to one of our fingers, or pant legs for that matter, yet seems terrified by the idea of taking a step independently! Silly kid!

At her one year doctor visit, she weighed 21 lbs. 13 oz. and was 31 inches long. She is the high average range for weight but the 95th percentile for height. She is not as verbal as her Mommy or her cousin Taylor was at this age, but she loves to sing and babble as if she were talking. Her favorite toy remains to be the Little People, although she is pretty taken with the new Aqua Doodle that Ori & Itai gave her for her birthday.

On Clara's first birthday, we enjoyed the beautiful weather and played in the park for quite a while. She loves the swings and climbing on the steps. We met Daddy at the Cheesecake Factory for a kid friendly place to eat and then Clara played in the Kid's Cove area of Bellevue Square Mall for over an hour. It was really fun to see her interact with all the kids. She also loved it when Kevin put her on the slide.

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