Wednesday, May 20, 2009

* Fun in the Sun *

Over the weekend, which was sunny and beautiful, we traveled to Chehalis to attend a wedding. We had a wonderful time being outside as a family. Uncle Matt, Auntie Danielle, Taylor and Uncle Ryan joined us all at Grandma & Grandpa Stevens'. As usual, the girls had a blast playing together. Riding together on the trike was a big hit as well as stilling at the new "big girl" table for meals.

Scout is now 15 months old and is "growing beautifully," as her pediatrician puts it. She is in the 95% for height and 50-75% for weight. We are not surprised because it seems like she has a hollow leg. Her food preferences have changed a little in the past few weeks. She is less interested in eating vegetables such as mushrooms, zucchini and broccoli, yet is still willing to try new things. Scout has also taken off with her words! She seems to try to repeat whatever words we ask her to and makes several of the animal sounds. Clara still loves to sing and does so as she plays or rides in the car. Right now her favorite songs are "Tick, Tock", "Old McDonald" and "Twinkle Twinkle". Mommy & Daddy are having so much fun with her.

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