Tuesday, June 2, 2009

* Fun * Fun * Fun *

We feel so lucky to get such a long run of summertime weather this early in the year. We have been trying to take advantage of it by spending lots of time outside. Clara is loving this! She gets out her sandals and insists on putting on a jacket (we try and get it off her once we are out) and then stands by the back door and waits to go outside. She is content just playing with rocks and looking at things in the backyard.

One of her other favorite things right now is reading a handful of her favorite books, naming the animals in them and making their sounds. She says quite a few of them really! We are impressed with how much she is talking. She FINALLY uses "Mama" correctly - after weeks of being called "Dada," it feels so nice!

Great Grandpa & Grandma Swanson were up over the weekend and Papa Bob bought Clara this easel at a consignment sale we went to. She has been having fun painting and using her chalk with it!
Scout is all sacked out after a weekend of playing and having fun. It is not a common sight since she typically only will sleep in her own crib or car seat. Kevin savored every moment of having her asleep on his shoulder.

1 comment:

Cyncha said...

Hey Erin its Cindy. I love the picture of Clara at the easel. She is such a pretty little girl. I miss you guys. Lets plan a play date for when you get home!