Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Farm Tots

Today we went on an farm adventure with the Issaquah Mom's Meet up group. The outing was to the South 47 Farm in Redmond. We had been to this farm last fall to get pumpkins, but Clara was too small to enjoy all of the fun activities and exploration opportunities. This time she had such a blast. On Wednesdays, the farm has a program called Farm Tots where they provide activities for the kids as well as a hay ride and an opportunity to feed the animals at the petting zoo. This trip Clara was relatively unimpressed with the animals - maybe she got her fill last week at the SWW Fair. Everything else was a hit though!

Going through the pea maze

Coloring her activity sheet

Planting her pea plant to take home...

...which lead to having a blast playing in the dirt!

Picking out a sunflower

Posing with the tractor - which she insists is a "Choo-Choo"

Getting to touch all of the produce - and of course our gal can't resist a good tomato

She tried to bite into it - TWICE!

Loving the hay ride - at one point she had all the little kiddos around her giggling with delight!

Mommy had a lot of fun too!

Wow, these tractor tires are pretty big! She was impressed with herself going through and kept going around and around!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fun Time at Grandma & Grandpa's

Last week Clara spent a few days being a big girl and visiting Grandma & Grandpa Stevens all by herself. Mommy & Daddy had a lot of jobs that needed to be done around the house, the kind that are impossible with a toddler running around getting into things, and so we took advantage of this time to get organized. Of course we missed our little girl, but we knew she would have a blast with "Ga Ga" and "Papa". She also got to spend time with cousin Taylor, Uncle Matt and Auntie Danielle. They all took a trip to the SWW Fair and saw animals and has some tasty treats. After spending the day at the fair Grandma & Grandpa brought Clara back in to watch the Terri Clark show in the evening. She slept through some of it, but apparently had a fun time at her first concert.
Grandma had a hard time getting photos of there 2 busy gals - Here attempting to pose them by the fair centennial sign.

This year Taylor was tall enough to go on a few of the rides, but Clara will have to wait until next year. She enjoyed watching her though.

At home, we feel like we got a lot accomplished while Clara was away, but still have things on the list. We did miss her, but spent the Sunday after her return just playing because all the cleaning and house tasks were complete. Scout is such a fun kiddo and there is nothing like a little break from her to make you realize how much you take that for granted. Since Grandma Jan's summer vacation is running to an end, we'll have to plan for her next break from school to have Clara go down for another visit! Thanks so much Grandma & Grandpa!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Issy Mom's Summer Picnic

Since January, we have been participating in the Issaquah Mom's Meetup group where members host all sorts of types of events for children, moms or entire families. The group has over 120 moms in the area as members and we are gradually getting to know a lot of the families, especially ones with kiddos around Clara's age. This past Saturday was the summer picnic. It was such a blast for Clara and her pals with carnival games, a musical performance and, of course, yummy food! Here are some of the photos from the day.

Eating blueberries and watermelon

Eating Picnic with Daddy

Her first ride on a motorized car. She didn't know that it was self-propelled when she got on. She was using her feet and happened to press the button - what a thrill!

Participating in the musical program

Adorable girls

Learning to play bean bag games

Silly Mommy the clown!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Escaping the Heat with Backyard Fun!!

Since last week was so sweltering outside and (because we are without A/C) inside too, we found refuge in our backyard in the afternoons. Clara still isn't too sure about her little pool, but she likes getting wet from the hose or sprinkler and her buddy Davis loved being in the pool. Even Vertigo enjoyed being outside in the grass because hot weather like that is really hard on her too.
Clara blowing bubbles for Vertigo

Adorable Davis waiting for Clara to join him in the pool

Too hot to wear anything but a diaper