Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Farm Tots

Today we went on an farm adventure with the Issaquah Mom's Meet up group. The outing was to the South 47 Farm in Redmond. We had been to this farm last fall to get pumpkins, but Clara was too small to enjoy all of the fun activities and exploration opportunities. This time she had such a blast. On Wednesdays, the farm has a program called Farm Tots where they provide activities for the kids as well as a hay ride and an opportunity to feed the animals at the petting zoo. This trip Clara was relatively unimpressed with the animals - maybe she got her fill last week at the SWW Fair. Everything else was a hit though!

Going through the pea maze

Coloring her activity sheet

Planting her pea plant to take home...

...which lead to having a blast playing in the dirt!

Picking out a sunflower

Posing with the tractor - which she insists is a "Choo-Choo"

Getting to touch all of the produce - and of course our gal can't resist a good tomato

She tried to bite into it - TWICE!

Loving the hay ride - at one point she had all the little kiddos around her giggling with delight!

Mommy had a lot of fun too!

Wow, these tractor tires are pretty big! She was impressed with herself going through and kept going around and around!

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