Monday, November 2, 2009

Clara's Happy Halloween!!

Our family on Halloween

Clara's first house trick-or-treating

This year Clara really enjoyed Halloween. She started the trick-or-treating process by answering the door. She would say "Hi kids!" and liked to hand out the candy. It was too precious! Mommy & Daddy then took her to a few of the close neighbors houses. She had to be cued to say "trick-or-treat" and sometimes to say thank you, but eventually she caught on. After the first few houses, Grandma & Grandma joined Clara & Daddy to go around to more houses. She was out for about an hour and hit quite a few houses in the neighborhood. She did tell Daddy a few times that something was "too scary" but remained relatively calm and happy. It was such a fun night and we loved sharing it with Grandma & Grandpa!

Clara & Daddy having fun

Clara & her loot!

Scout with Grandma & Grandpa Michael

Earlier in the day our neighborhood gathered in the park for some treats and cocoa. We had a pumpkin carving contest and got to check out one another's great costumes. We love having such a fun group of neighbors and kiddos for Clara to hang out with.

Some of the collection of pumpkins entered in the contest.

Clara & Grandma enjoying some treats in the park

Of course, Clara loves her apples!

Checking out the pumpkins.

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