Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Party with SANTA!!!

Clara lucked out and was invited to a fun children's Christmas party with the neighbor kiddos, Kellen, Taylor and their older sister Jenna. The party had a gingerbread theme and the kids got to make their own gingerbread houses and enjoy lots of tasty treats like this adorable cake.
Clara was delighted!

Santa arrived at the party and called the kids one by one to go and sit on his lap. He gave each one a gift and Clara figured out quickly that there were "Toys & Candy" inside. After watching several of the others have their turn, she bravely went up and accepted her gift from Santa, still unwilling to sit on his lap, but willing to get close enough to take this photo, a big step in the right direction after meeting Santa on 4 occasions!

The children also listened to Santa read them the Twas the Night Before Christmas and sang a few Christmas carols with him. Clara was so happy singing her heart out to Jingle Bells with all of the "big" kids.
At the party we attempted to make a gingerbread house, but Clara's main interest in the activity was seeing how quickly she could stuff the sweet decorative treats in her mouth. She was quicker at picking them off and eating them then I was at getting them on. Eventually she resorted to this...
Yes, she really is her mother's daughter. Maybe by next year we'll be able to try this fun activity again!

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