Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clara's 2nd Birthday Party on Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day we celebrated with our families and a few of our closest friends Clara's 2nd birthday. We bumped out the party a few weeks because we were not sure when cousin Brendan (due on her actual birthday) would arrive. Clara thought it was fantastic that most of her favorite people we at our home at once. She was especially thrilled to see her cousins and paraded them through the house showing off all of her toys.

Cupcakes again this year because they are Miss Clara's favorite!

It was a special treat to have our Grandma Elaine come for the party. She has had a tough few months, but was feeling well enough to share in the festivities.

Clara with pals Logan and Hayden Fisher

Opening her first present with help from Auntie Dianne - one that was decorated with love by her special pal, Davis!

All of the kiddos had fun making Valentine's Day cards.
Ashley, Taylor, Zane, Hailey & Clara

Hailey, Clara, Olivia & Logan

Daddy and Grandma Carol put in a lot of help with the food at the party and it turned out great!

Cool, Lego's!

Clara got so spoiled with all of the fun gifts of toys, clothes and books! It is sad to see her outgrow some of the toys from last year, even some of the books, too. Mommy & Daddy love having new things to play with Clara with and read. So many of her current favorites we could recite in our sleep!

After the party we spent a little time reflecting back to last year and how much Scout has changed in one year's time. Last birthday she wasn't walking or talking. We were still introducing new foods and less concerned about her climbing and her getting into things. Our family room and bonus room had not completely evolved into crazy play zones and she had yet to claim all of my shoes and purses as her own or even become obsessed with lip gloss! At her first birthday party she didn't seem to "get it"!

This year it was a completely different story... she talked about every person that was going to come, she can sing the Happy Birthday song all by herself, she knows she likes CUPCAKES, she tore into the wrapped gifts like a pro and went and gave her sweet thank yous after opening them. She even surprised us by perfectly blowing out her own birthday candle. And in the days after she talked about what a fun time she had and how much she loves everyone who attended.

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