We headed to Chehalis the night before Easter, had delicious pizza at Papa Pete's and then went back to Grandma & Grandpas. Clara set out a big, juicy carrot for her pal the Easter Bunny on the special plate we had picked out a few weeks prior. She was really excited to finally use the plate and was a stickler on how and where the carrot should be left, when cousin Taylor tried to move it! Clara called out, "No Tay-or, that caw-wut is for the Eeeessta Bunny. I put it on this plate."
The next morning Clara woke up excited to see what the Easter Bunny left. She followed the eggs down the hall to her basket. She had figured out the whole candy in the egg deal the day before so she sat down with the first egg to open it up. As predicted, she was far more interested in the CANDY than her pretty basket full of surprises!
Aren't her Guess How Much I Love You jammies too sweet? We have a new Nieman Marcus in Bellevue and we found them there on a shopping trip with Cousin Ashley and Auntie Sherri. I bought them big hoping that she can wear them for a long time!
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