Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun with "Eeyore"

Last week, Clara and Mommy had a long-overdue visit with the Ami-ad family, finally getting to meet their new addition, baby Gahl, and their wonderful new home. It had been a while since we had all gotten together and so Clara didn't really remember Ori and Itai. I was talking about them before our visit and telling Scout how they got to be big brothers. Later on she asked me, "Mommy, when are we going to go see Eeyore?" It took me a while to figure out what she meant. She has an Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh) toothbrush, but that didn't make any sense... Then I realized the was combining the EEE sound from Itai's name with the OR sound from Ori's name and efficiently calling them "Eeyore." Too cute!

This silly incident reminds me of when my cousins used to call my identical twin brothers (Matt and Ryan), "Matt-Ryan" because they could tell them apart. Even funnier was that they were so used to being mixed up, that they both always responded!

Clara really enjoyed her visit with Ori, Itai & Baby Gahl - and us mommies even had a few sentences of adult conversation, too!

Scout brought a belated birthday / big brother gift of art supplies to her pals and they all quickly settled in making craft projects. Above, Itai is making nice designs with markers.

Clara was fairly interested in the glitter glue (a substance she had yet to encounter) at first but then spent the majority of the craft time eyeing and attacking the grapes! This kid is unstoppable when it comes to fruit!
Ori attacked his glitter glue & puff ball craft very methodically and came up with a wonderful masterpiece!

We both loved getting to meet Baby Gahl. He is a few weeks younger than cousin Brendan although about half B's size! He made lots of happy sounds and expressions for us. I am excited to see Clara's increased interest in babies and hope that it will persist until her sister arrives.

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