Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Miss Scout has a new found love for country music! "My songs" have replaced Caspar Babypants as her current favorite. It started with her singing along to Lady Antebellum cds in the car with me. Her favorites songs are "Run to you" and "American Honey" and it is adorable to hear her sing them. Then we introduced her to music videos when we found that the cable offered certain videos, including many of her favorites, on demand. She instantly loved them so much we started using a music video as a reward!

Eventually we started to urge her to dance while she sang, mostly for our own entertainment. We noticed at some point all her usual side-to-side swaying type of dancing changed into more vigorous stomping, finger pointing and arm flailing!?! Then one day she asked for the "uh, uh, uh, un-do-wit" song and I realized she wanted to watch Carrie Underwood, Undo it. After watching the video a little more closely and C's response to it, we laughed so hard our sides hurt because she really does a great job mimicking Carrie's performance. If you have ever seen the video, you might recognize some of these moments...

It is so stinkin' cute to watch her get into the music! We have made several attempts to video her but our hysterical laughter typically impacts the video quality.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That reminds me I need to send you the ones I took that last night I was there.

And glad to hear she is still doing it, it WAS so stinkin' cute!