Sunday, December 12, 2010

Decorating Their Tree

One of Clara's new favorite "princess dresses" that she likes to dress up in during the day is this jumper of mine that my Grandma Wanda made for me when I was around Clara's age. Since she was wearing it (proudly) the night we planned to decorating the kiddo tree, we put Janie Bug in her little jumper from Grandma Carol too!

It is SO hard to get a decent posed picture of both girls. If we can have them both awake and happy at the same time to even try, it is a struggle to get Clara to hold still somewhere near her sister, let alone to look at the camera and smile. We have depleted our tricks and bribes and have resigned to the fact that photos like the one above are about as close as we get for a while.

Last year Grandma Wanda gave us some ornaments she no longer uses for Clara to decorate her tree with. There are of fun soft felt and fabric ornaments that Scout loves to pick them out and hang all by herself. We have decided to make this part of our family holiday tradition as an advent surprise.

Even at 11 weeks, little Janie gets to participate in the process as Clara tells her about some of the decorations she has picked out. Janie, fascinated by her big sister already, watched Clara with wide eyes and shared some sweet smiles. It is amazing how fast these sisters have fallen in love with one another how much interaction really is taking place. Clara is so protective and helpful with Janie. Recently a friend of mine was holding Janie at a little party and after a minute of two Clara politely asked, "Can we have my sister back now, please?" So sweet!

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