Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010 with the Michael Family

What a busy holiday season this year turned out to be! The whole month of December flew by and it seemed that each day we had something going on from play dates, holiday parties and visits from friends and family to delivering toys from Hope on the Hill Guild to Seattle Children's Hospital. All of the sudden it was the week of Christmas...

On Thursday, we met up with Kevin's family at his Aunt Emily's house for a holiday meal and gingerbread house making for the kiddos. Clara had a lot of fun with her cousins and second cousins and was on a big sugar high from all of the C-A-N-D-Y. (We have resorted to the spelling game in order to have conversations in front of her, and it did not take her long to figure this one out!)

On Christmas Eve, we hosted a Christmas with the Stevens side of the family. Chef Kevin worked hard preparing a nice prime rib and we had a nice opportunity to exchange gifts and enjoy the little ones.

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After such a exciting day, our sweet girls did a nice job of sleeping in on Christmas morning. When Clara did wake up, she wasn't as excited about Santa's visit at first. It was so nice to have the calm morning with just our little family (and Grandma & Grandmpa Grandpa Stevens) and we hope to make it a tradition for future years.

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Once some presents were opened, we loaded up and made the trek to Kevin's parents new condo in Quincy where we celebrated with the Michael side of the family. The drive was easy, there was snow once we got over the pass, Janie slept the whole way and Clara was occupied with some of her goodies from Santa - she loved her new pink phone and purse with all the accessories!

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Despite staying busy we really enjoyed our Holiday. We made some great memories for our sweet little family and loved getting to see both of our special extended family. Kevin had a lot of time off (way to go getting your hours done this year, Sweetie) so it made it even better to have a few days after to unwind and just enjoy playing with our girls.

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