Friday, April 22, 2011

Janie the Baby Model

Our photographer asked me if she could use Janie for a model for some of her boutique items and of course we jumped on the opportunity. They turned out pretty darn cute, so I just had to share!!

LOVE the pink!

My favorite! We have been expecting her to pop a tooth anytime because she has been doing this a lot lately, but no sign of any yet.

It is funny how the different outfits, especially the hats, bring out J's differnt looks.

I think she looks a little like Auntie Pat here...

Clara & Davis's Mini Egg Hunt

Since Mommy managed to lock her keys in the car one day and we had to stay home from an Easter Egg playdate, we had our special friend Davis come down for a mini-hunt in our back yard. Sadly, our yard is a little overgrown for late April but we will blame that on the unseasonably cold weather and our busy schedules. The kiddos had a great time!

Davis finding one hidden in the bush.

Clara skipping along!


Janie Caroline is 7 months

April 20, 2011

Another month has raced by and our little girl is 7 months old. Miss Janie is in a fun stage of her development. She LOVES to play!! Being able to sit up and play has helped a lot in her independent play. We are very thankful for this...

She will sit and explore all of the things placed around her, really anything she can get her hands on, and if Clara is interested in it too, it is all the more enticing. She still likes being in an exersaucer and occasionally playing under her baby gym, too. Tummy time is still her least favorite activity and while it seems like we are getting closer, the rolling just isn't happening. When we try to encourage her, we get a taste of her temper and watch her sweet smiles turn into downright angry screeches in a flash.

Over the past month, Janie has been exposed to lots of new foods and outside of cereal made with formula (she seems to detest every type we have offered her) she enjoys them all. She especially likes carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans and any fruit we have presented. Right now she has solids twice a day and gets at least one of them from Daddy. Now when he comes home she lights up with excitement and anticipation of the upcoming meal, and of course the fun play. Janie is still a Mommy's girl, especially at night, but this has allowed Mommy to get out of the house in the evenings without too many tears.

Lil' Gem's sleep isn't as consistent at seven months as we had hoped. Some nights she will sleep up to six hours straight while other nights she will be up to eat every two hours. The past few weeks she has been better about taking her daytime naps, but now often wakes up and is ready to play at 4:00 am. Then we finally get her back to sleep around 6:00, close to the time that Clara gets up, so Mommy often functions on 4 hours of sleep. This mommy loves her sleep so we are considering doing some sleep training pretty soon.

One of the most noticeable change in the past month is Miss Janie Bug's babbling. She has always had a large repertoire of noises, but now makes the same sounds over and over in her adorable baby talk. And where Clara said "Da-da" first, Janie most frequently says "Ma-ma" or "Ah-ma". What a delight it is to hear those sweet sounds!

We continue to attend playgroup and Janie has started interacting with other babies her age. She really loves the songs we sing with the group. She perks up when she recognizes them and so we end up singing them at home a lot too. When she is fussy, she can easily be distracted by these songs. One of her favorites, Wheels on the Bus, was one of Clara's early favorites too. Now, Clara joins in and we all entertain Janie with songs.

Along with the play, our lil' Gem is developing a sweet little sense of humor. And what a heartwarming laugh she has! She likes to play Peek-a-Boo (even doing her own covering and uncovering), giggles at silly faces and sounds, belly laughs when we do raspberries, and even joins in just because Clara is laughing at something. With each passing week our girls' relationship continues to evolve. Clara is now less interested in just nurturing her little sis and instead works to engage her or tries to involve her in whatever game we are playing. For example, when she pretends to be Rapunzel, she insists that Janie be her chameleon sidekick, Pascal. Way more interactive play takes place between the two of them than I would have ever expected at this point.

Janie at seven months really is a lot of fun and makes the lack of sleep of easier to deal with!

Dahlia Park Easter Egg Hunt ~ 2011

The Dahlia Park Annual Easter Egg Hunt has become a family tradition for the Michael Family, and every year, it seems to get even better. We are so lucky to have wonderful neighbors who have become great friends over the past 4 1/2 years. Our kids are all friends and it is so much fun to watch them go crazy when we all get together.

Clara really got into the hunt this year. She was one of the older kids in her age category and got quite a few eggs in her basket.

And of course, Mr. Easter Bunny was still the hit of the day! When he arrived, the kids immediately rushed over to him. During the hunt, Clara was focused on the candy, but went right back to following the bunny around and "petting" him afterwards. According to her, they are good friends.

The hunt was made even better, because she was joined by cousin Taylor and Logan & Hayden!

Mommy & Christy pose with the bunny, too!

The kids with eggs after the hunt!

That evening, we had a Easter dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Taylor, G.G. Wanda & Papa Bob. Daddy prepared a delicious ham dinner and it was a real treat!

Grandma Jan made a fun bunny cake for the girls just like she used to make when I was little, and made for Clara's first Easter.

Grandma & Grandpa pose with their granddaughters

Springtime at UW

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Grandmas Spring Break Visit

Rain for Grandma Jan's Spring Break = a change of her plans so we had a fun visit with her. We took her to Kids Quest, shopping, and Kids Cove. Mommy & Grandma were able to have a kid free morning out and Mommy & Daddy enjoyed going out for drinks one evening, too! Janie did put up a bit of a fuss for poor Grandma. Good thing Grandma is a pro!

J & D: Battle for Miss Crinkle Bunny

We were treated to another visit from our dear friends Wendy, Delaney and Grammie Glynis, too. We are so glad that they are able to fit us in their busy schedules whenever they are home. Since our last visit they have moved from San Francisco to Orange County, CA, and little Laney has logged a lot of airline miles in her six months of life!

These little gals are just two of the sweetest babies ever! Like her beautiful Mommy, Miss Laney is long and lean, where our Janie is a little butterball. Delaney rolls and moves all over the place. We were hoping it would inspire Janie to give it a try, but to no avail.

I forgot to pull the camera out until the very end of the visit so both little sweeties were starting to melt down a little and the photos portray a funny exchange between the two babies that isn't really reflective of their interactions, but cute nonetheless...

First, they eye the same toy, Miss Crinkle Bunny.

Janie stops Laney from getting Miss Crinkle Bunny by surprising her with a hair pull from behind.
Delaney then goes for the eye gouge in retaliation.

Lil' Delaney is fast, but Janie has a few pounds on her forcefully goes right for Laney's no-slippy clippy.
Janie celebrates maintaining her hold on Miss Crinkle Bunny with a gloating smile... While Delaney plots her next move...

In all seriousness, it is amazing to see these sweeties change and grow up together. Hopefully we will be able to get together when they are home again in June. It will be fun to see what kinds of tricks these gals will be up to by then - hopefully by then Janebug will be able to show Laney a roll or two!

Fun for the whole family...

Last Sunday we had an overdue brunch with Peter, Christina, Grandma Faye and sweet Jackson. We were grateful for their invitation because lately we have been less inclined to make plans with friends since it is always hard to anticipate our kiddos ever-changing schedules even a few weeks out. The meal was lovely and our whole family had a good time. Mommy & Daddy enjoyed catching up with our dear friends and Janie enjoyed her playtime with the adorable Jackson.

Mr. Jackson, who is exactly 4 weeks younger than Janie, is already a skilled jumper in his bouncy seat and has teeth! He isn't quite sitting up independently, but was doing really well with support. It is so fun to watch babies around one another and they things that they notice about one another.
Clara had a great time because Peter found Princess and the Frog on Netflix for her, she was able to be reunited with her Strawberry Shortcake story of Snow White which she left at our last visit, strawberries were served with brunch and we after our meal we went for a swing!

Even Janie & Jackson got in on the swinging action!
Swingin' Babies

We didn't have a coat for Janie and it was a little chilly so we wrapped her up in her big fluffy blanket and the girl had a blast!