Monday, June 20, 2011

(Almost) Sunny June Picnic

This has been a hard spring season in the Pacific Northwest so far in that it has been unseasonably cold. There have been some warm days, but they have been surrounded by cool, sometimes even flat out cold, rainy days. For that reason, when it isn't cold, we have been trying to get out as much as possible. We also have to have back-up plans in case it starts pouring. This Sunday, Kevin needed a little time off his super hectic work schedule so we picked some things up from QFC and headed to a local park.
Janie liked having her picnic meal.

She even wanted to feed herself

Clara went right for the big toy, climbed up top and started her imaginary play. The second another child would enter the play area, she immediately would greet them and ask them to play with her.

After eating Janie and Daddy did some playing too!

Clara followed. She has become a lot more fearless in the last few weeks. She no longer appears fearful of climbing up high and big slides.

Janie tries the teeter-totter

Clara way up on the big toy

Miss Janie Bug loves to swing! She giggles when the air rushes against her face and it is so darn adorable. This trip, Clara didn't seem all that interested in the swings which is another recent change.

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