Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hometown 4th of July

This 4th of July we stayed home and enjoyed the fun festivities in our own community. We started the day at the parade downtown Issaquah.

Clara loved watching the kids and running to get the candy.

Daddy & his patriotic sweeties!


Clara with her friend, Kylie

After the parade we enjoyed the community activities. Heck with the pony rides, face painting and bounce houses, Clara was most interested in the ones that involved eating

She enjoyed running into her pals (above with Amelia)

Hugging on Ava

Before we left we hit up the playground and watched part of a reptile show.

Janie's first 4th of July!

We spent the afternoon in Dahlia Park with a few neighbors. The kids ran off their Popsicles together - We feel so lucky to live in such a great neighborhood. That evening we listened to the nearby fireworks and enjoyed a great BBQ dinner. A nice relaxing evening! We may just have to make sticking around town for the 4th of July a family tradition.

Patriotic Darlings

1 comment:

Mona said...

Sweet pictures. Can you please send me the one of Clara and Ava? Adorable!