Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunny Afternoon

Sunny days have been few and far between the past few weeks. In fact, we have had some snow/freezing precipitation almost every day. When one nice day came along, we hopped on the opportunity to be outside for several hours and it was the best, most drama-free afternoon we had had in a long time.  The girls both found playmates and wore themselves out!

Since the last time we were able to spend this much time in the park, Janie was quite a bit younger(was not walking), she had a few new experiences.  The first was learning to get her footing on the playground bark, and the second was a fun experience with sidewalk chalk.  She made a few "designs" but seemed to have the most fun taking the chalk in and out of the basket and doling it out to various kids in the park.  It was super cute to watch her share and initiate interaction with other children.  In that way, she is already a very giving and kind child.

Clara was so thrilled to meet up with some friends her age at the park.  Her pal Olivia and a new friend Ava ran playing imaginary games until they had to leave and a new group of neighbor kids arrived. 

The Bears in Bear Park

Clara was having so much fun it was hard to tear her away from her play to even get a shot of her looking at the camera.  One of things I love most about this kid is her imagination and her ability to turn an item like this little bug net into hours of play. 

It was a great thing that we made it out on this day because the girls both ate a ample dinner and got a good night sleep.  It rained the next day, but has us all looking forward to spring!


I really should take more photos of all the fun things we do at our playgroup each week.  The girls both looked so cute in their chef hats on this day and Clara got to knead and shape her own bread.  After playgroup she got to enjoy what she made.  She shared with Janie & Mommy and it tasted pretty good!  Janie's favorite part of has become parachute.  She already knows the routine and transitions from one song/activity to another all by herself. 

Dr. Seuss' Birthday Fun

This year we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday with a silly Green Eggs & Ham breakfast.  Both the girls enjoyed them, Sam I am...

Then we went to the new Swedish Hospital in our neighborhood for a fun Dr. Seuss themed craft and story time.  We knew lots of friends from the Mom's group and the neighborhood and had a great time.  Clara liked decorating her blue Thing 1 hair with feathers and refered to the ensemble as a princess headdress and necklace.  She looked so cute, I didn't care what she thought it was, as long as she wore it!  Janie on the other hand wouldn't even let me put the Thing 2 sign around her neck.  Good thing she had this cute Cat in the Hat shirt, a hand-me-down from a sweetie across the street. 

Story time was a lot of fun for Clara who was given a small cup of Starbucks hot chocolate.  I think she was feeling pretty grown up.  Janie on the other hand refused to sit and listen with the kids and wanted to explore the entire hospital.  After a few laps, I was glad to have a stroller to fasten her down in!  Boy that kid has a lot of energy (which in somehow conversely correlated to the energy level of her mother!)

Rock N Roll Party for Morgan

Like Clara's Rock N Roll Face?  Looks more like the stink face, right? 
A few weeks back she was invited to her friend Morgan's Rock N Roll Party.  It was something fun for just Clara and Mommy to do together.  We got all dressed up and had a fun time dancing and hanging out "backstage" with friends!

The Rock N Roll Group!

Clara sporting more Rock N Roll attitude!

Birthday Buddies - Davis & Clara

With Birthdays just two days apart, Clara & Davis have celebrated together the past three years.  This year Davis was with his family in Utah during Clara's party, so when he returned Cindy came down with some cupcakes and we held a mini birthday playdate for these sweet kiddos. 

After making their wishes and blowing out their candles, they each unwrapped gifts.  Davis scored some pirate Play Mobile sets and Clara received an Aurora doll with outfits to change her into.  They are getting to the age where they can help pick out things for one another and make sweet little cards.  Once they devoured the cupcakes (well, Davis just eats the frosting, but Clara managed to consume the whole thing), they had a blast playing and making up for lost time!

It isn't just Clara that loves Mr. Davis.  He has quite a special place in the hearts of all members of the Michael Family.  Janie chases him around squealing and shouting his name and he can be so tender and sweet with her.  Kevin and I both have enjoyed knowing him (and his family) and watching him develop into a bright, imaginative, and incredibly sweet boy.  We appreciate that he puts up with some of Clara's manipulation and silly antics and continues to be such a great friend to her! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Story Time with Mama

I spend so much of my day reading to our sweet girls that I thought I better document it here on the blog.  There are LOTS of photos of Kevin reading to them and I just want them to remember all the fun the three of us (or two of us, when I read to them individually) have together with our favorite books.  Right now nursery rhymes are a great way to entertain them both at the same time.  Clara's favorite is Sing a Song of Sixpence and she recited it at such a young age (before she was two), delighting in the nose pecking off part.  I wonder if Janie which Janie will show a preference for in the coming months.