With Birthdays just two days apart, Clara & Davis have celebrated together the past three years. This year Davis was with his family in Utah during Clara's party, so when he returned Cindy came down with some cupcakes and we held a mini birthday playdate for these sweet kiddos.
After making their wishes and blowing out their candles, they each unwrapped gifts. Davis scored some pirate Play Mobile sets and Clara received an Aurora doll with outfits to change her into. They are getting to the age where they can help pick out things for one another and make sweet little cards. Once they devoured the cupcakes (well, Davis just eats the frosting, but Clara managed to consume the whole thing), they had a blast playing and making up for lost time!
It isn't just Clara that loves Mr. Davis. He has quite a special place in the hearts of all members of the Michael Family. Janie chases him around squealing and shouting his name and he can be so tender and sweet with her. Kevin and I both have enjoyed knowing him (and his family) and watching him develop into a bright, imaginative, and incredibly sweet boy. We appreciate that he puts up with some of Clara's manipulation and silly antics and continues to be such a great friend to her!
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