Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time with Just JBug!

Last week Grandma Carol came and picked up Clara for a 5 day stay at her house filled with lots of exciting activities and time with her cousins.  Clara had a BLAST and reported that she only noticed that Mommy & Daddy were not there at bedtime.  We are so glad that Clara had such a great fun filled week, but also for all the one-on-one time we got with Janie. 

At first, Janie seemed a little lost with what to do without Clara to follow around.  The first day was a little rough on Mommy when I tried to fold clothes and make dinner.  So we spent a lot of time reading books and doing activities that Janie was interested in... like Legos!

By the end of Clara's time away, Janie's attention span for independent play, especially for activities like Legos or colorforms, grew exponentially.  With the extra attention and focus she was a lot more compliant and really responded well to helping roles.  In a way, it was like she grew up a little quicker this week, but probably more correctly, this week I had the time to notice how quickly our baby IS growing up!

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