Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Our Evie-Buns is now full grown and has quite a bit of spunk!  She love to flit around upstairs, jumping over toys, running down the hall with a quick hop turn as she bounds out into the bonus room.  She is really a beautiful bunny with nice type, but so far she is a little less mellow that we had hoped.  She finally will come up to Kevin or Clara on her own to be pet, but has learned that Janie and I are the ones that will try and pick her up and runs away if we reach for her.  She loves to be pet on the nose and then as she relaxes, she'll let us rub the top or her head and between her ears.  The poor baby spends more time in her cage right now than I had hoped, but it is more for her own safety as Janie wants to chase her constantly!

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