Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A very BRAVE Halloween

This summer right after seeing the movie "Brave" for the first time, Clara decided she knew she just had to be Merida for Halloween.  We are in our third year of "Princess Infatuation" in our household so I wasn't too surprised with this decision.  For the most part, Merida is a bit of an evolved character compared to the  Cinderella & Snow White- type, who don't really stand up for themselves or embrace adventure, so if we are having another round of princess fun, we are pretty glad she chose the strong-willed, Merida.

Come the beginning of September, we lucked out and found Clara's ensemble (minus the cape) for a great deal at Costco.  Then she began asking who we were going to dress up like ... and somehow I learned that Kevin had promised her he'd be King Fergus (not an easy costume to assemble, Kev).  But thanks to a great deal of help from my costume extraordinaire, Aunt Pat and a lucky find with Janie's adorable hat, we were able to create costumes to complement our sweet lil' Merida. 

Thanks for Grandma & Grandpa for watching the girls, Kevin & I got to attend some fun Halloween parties with friends.  We had a lot of fun being in character! 

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