Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Manzanita with Michael {McKee} Cousins

We hadn't made it to the beach house since January and the girls & I had the opportunity to tag along on a trip with Carol, Amy & the kids.  Ashley & Taylor had dance competition in Seaside and so we were able to catch some dancing, enjoy some time on the beach and the girls got a fun dose of their sweet cousins. 


The old stump has changed forms several times in the past few years.  Three years ago when we came down as a family, I got a photo of the kids on it with Murray & Kevin.  Last year it started to have drift wood added around it and this year it has become a super fun drift wood fort that they kids had to much fun in. 

Sweet Hailey had her 12th birthday while we were in Manzanita.  I remember getting the call from her daddy the day she was born.  Uncle Kevin & I were at Woodland Park Zoo on a date. 

At the beach, Clara seems to really live up to her "Scout" nickname more than usual.  She love so run wild, get dirty and wet and bravely explore the environment.  We like to just sit back and watch her!

Cousin Zane has a fun, adventurous spirit and does such a great job looking after his little cousins.  Clara & Janie are so lucky to have such fun cousins to hang out with!  It makes our beach memories even more special!

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