Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chehalis...Snow & Ninja Turtles

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Brendan!
Janie, Clara & Mommy decided to head to Chehalis for a weekend while Daddy caught up on work at home.  We were able to attend Brendan's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party and had a lot of fun hanging out with family.  (So awesome that Brendan is a TMNT fan, because Matt & Ryan went through their own TMNT phase.)

The other perk of our fun weekend was getting to experience the snow!  This winter has not brought us too much snow and when it did come last, it was wet and melted quickly so the girls were not all that excited about playing in it.  This particular weekend we made it to Chehalis right as the big flakes started falling.  They fell hard all afternoon and into the evening so the girls work up to over 4 inches of nice, compacting snow.  In the morning these kiddos were super excited to get out into and play....

So did Grandma & Grandpa!
I was amazed at how Clara jumped right in and started building her own snowman.
Janie liked making snowballs for a few minutes and then had the snow... like in FROZEN, realization and then spent the rest of her snow play acting like Elsa, running into the neighbor's trees, throwing off her gloves singing and eventually dropping her coat. It was precious how into the imaginative play that she was. 
By mid day the snow started to melt and by the time we left in the early evening, the roads were clear.  Really our snow adventure worked out perfectly!  Too bad Daddy wasn't along to enjoy the fun with us.

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