Thursday, October 30, 2014

Janie's First Preschool Party - Halloween!

As a parent, one of the most fun parts about the preschool experience is attending these sweet little parties the class holds.  The kiddos, do an activity, sing seasonal songs, and have themed snacks.  We attended these sweet parties during Clara's years at the preschool and now get to experience them again with Janie.  The first party of the season is Halloween. 

The preschoolers went and trick-or-treated around the classroom with help from parents.

The class made cute decorations for their snack table and sang the cutest seasonal songs.  Just like with Clara's class the song presentation was hilarious!  As loud as Janie practiced the songs at home, in the car, at bedtime, and dinner time, on walks, etc., when the time came to perform, the entire class barely sang a peep leaving Mrs. Vanessa to lead to shy performers.  It was too cute!  And leaves Janie something to work on this year! 

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