Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Christmas Eve 2014
Daddy read the Night Before Christmas and the girls set out yummy cookies they had decorated at the Karr's house for Santa. We had a quiet dinner at home together.  It is hard to be away from family on special holidays, but as the kids get older it is becoming more and more important to let them wake up in their own beds waiting for Santa's visit.  And as a family we are creating our own traditions. 
This year the girls got to open the gifts from one another on Christmas Eve.  They each picked out Calico Critters for the other and immediately wanted to play with them.
Daddy had a special surprise for Mommy & Finch.  The Tiffany Elephant piggy bank!  Clara & Janie both received the Tiffany bunny banks before they were born.
 Santa visited and spoiled our whole family!  Neither girl had a big wish list this year.  Janie wanted a set of Squiggs that she found at Marbles and Frozen cereal.  Clara had hoped to get a Fancy Nancy mermaid book and a specific outfit for her Josephina doll, a specific one that they no longer made.  Luckily Santa was able to track this outfit down leaving Clara overjoyed.  Santa also picked out a few additional items for each girl and left a new touch screen laptop for the family!  Very spoiled!!


Sweeties with stuffed stockings!
After our own family Christmas morning, we loaded up and headed to Quincy for Christmas Dinner and family fun.  And of course more spoiling for the girls and their cousins!!

One of the highlights of Christmas was watching Janie perform her Christmas tunes from cousin Zacs new sound system.  Without hesitation, she grabbed the mic and lead the family in every Christmas carol she could remember. Too cute!!

A few days later we went to Chehalis and celebrated with the Stevens side of the family.  More gifts, more silly time with cousins, more delicious food, more hugs and lots of Christmas spirit.

We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful extended family to share to holidays with.  We look forward to the blessings of 2015 and adding a member to our sweet family.

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