Saturday, February 7, 2015

Scout is SEVEN!

Clara Natalie celebrated her 7th birthday in style with a "fancy" Valentine tea party.  I have been slowing down lately due to the pregnancy, and at the same time, Clara is becoming more mature and also has a clearer understanding of what she wants with most things.  This year she seemed to have a vision for this party and I let her roll with it.  She went to the party store and picked out doilies and heart garlands.  She gave Kevin specific directions about how she hoped to have the Crete paper hung and which items from our Valentine's Day décor she wanted to use.  We also let her pick our her own cake at Fred Meyer, which was a first for this mama, but what a fun and logistically easy party this turned out to be.  Clara had seven girlfriends show up and they all had such great manners.  Kevin & I kept commenting on how quiet the kids were! 

Food service from Daddy - How adorable!

Clara was so happy to have the tea service with all the sweet treats.   

Janie even got to join in the tea party at a separate table with Auntie Michele, Papa Mark & Grandma Jan!

It is hard to believe that we have been parents to our dear Clara Natalie for seven years now.  She has been a delight to parent and we enjoy watching her become her own person day by day.  Some days are bittersweet, but she impresses us with her learning and mostly good judgment.  Watching her sweetly interact with her friends is heartwarming.  We are SO proud!

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