Sunday, April 12, 2015

Introducung Callen Murray

On April 8th at 1:19 am our sweet son made his debut, three days late but as perfect as can be.  I ended up being induced based on reduced fetal movement at post due day monitoring appointment.  At the time the doctor performed an ultrasound to check on the baby and approximated his weight as only being around 5 1/2 maybe 6 pounds.  I started to panic because as we knew this little guy was probably smaller than his sisters, the doctor and midwife both didn't think he was a "dainty" baby based on feeling him during the last few weeks of the pregnancy.  After giant Clara & Janie I don't know what to do with a little baby!!

We were relieved to see our sweet boy and have the doctor admit right away that his size approximation was definitely off.  Weighting in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long with lots of dark hair.  Immediately I noticed his larger hands and feet! 

Naming this little guy was not an easy process for us.  We spend hours upon hours going through name lists on car rides and evenings after the girls went to bed.  Our list of agreed upon names was short and while we were certain we wanted to pay tribute to Kevin's late father with the name, the exact name was not decided on until after we had been in the hospital over 24 hours.  Callen was a name I had really liked the entire pregnancy but Kevin was far from sold on early on.  Janie & Clara would have been "Colin" had they been boys as that was a name I had loved from a childhood.  Since then a dear friend selected that name for her son sending us back to square one.  Callen was almost "Grant" like the county that Daddy grew up in but we didn't like the flow as much with the middle name options. 

Right away Callen was calm and alert.  He made lots of sweet squeak and grunting sounds and loved to snuggle in close, wiggling to get comfortable.  Early on we have learned that this guy has a great set of pipes and wont let himself go unnoticed.  Most likely a great trait for a third child!

We are so thrilled to have our boy with us and our sweet family complete! Clara & Janie quickly fell in love as well.  When we introduced him to them, it had to be one of the most amazing moments.  Janie exuded complete excitement and curiosity where Clara, who was very apprehensive of having a brother, seemed to be hit with complete instant love.  AHHHH!  We are so blessed!

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