Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Busy Gal!

At 9 1/2 months, Miss Scout is on the go and learning new things every day! She is on the go so much that it is harder to catch good photos of her. Mommy & Daddy are on a quest to find a faster camera so we can get better photos of Clara.

We have encountered more problems putting her down to sleep since she has learned to pull herself up in the crib. She will often hollar out for us, just to show us what she has done! It is pretty darn cute, but we really have to curb our reactions as not to further reinforce this behavior! I guess this is the learning curve for first time parents!

Here she is playing with her UW dinosaur on Apple Cup day! We were all sad over the Husky loss, but are optimistic we'll get those Cougs next year!

Clara loves climbing and is experimenting with standing and walking behind a walker toy!

While we have installed an elaborate gate system in the family room, Clara found her way to the living room and was pretty proud of this exploration!

Such a sweetie!

Clara's play is starting to get a bit more sophisticated. She really loves to look at books and turn the pages, especially the ones that have flaps to flip over!! She likes blocks, her animal train and like most kids, loves random boxes, paper towel rolls or magazines to scrunch up!! At her play group, she is starting to interact more with the other children even if it is just to take a toy away from them!

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