Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Growing Up So Fast!

The baby stage is on its way out and the kid stage is arriving! Clara has already become independent with getting around, exploring her environment and feeding herself. She was completely weened a few weeks back after loosing interest in Mommy. This week she has just begun to crawl and absolutely loves riding on this little car around the house! At her nine month check up she weighed 18 lbs. 13 oz. and is 29 inches long. We are thankful for the blog, because sometimes it is hard to remember how little she was just a few months ago.


She loves standing and pulling herself up on things.

NEW SHOES! She loved them!

She has become a great little patty-cake player and frequently claps with delight!

Just learning to crawl. We have begun to get everything baby proofed and are waiting on a gate system that we ordered since our house is a nightmare for a baby on the go!

Clara attended Itai's first birthday party and had a lot of fun watching and interacting with other kids. This was a popular toy for the group and sharing is a developmental milestone they have yet to master! Too cute though!

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