Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Clara's Big Announcement

At her birthday party Miss Scout made an announcement to our close family and friends that she would become a BIG SISTER in September! Not that the news was too much of a shock - Our family and friends had been starting to ask us about a sibling for Clara, but still, it was very exciting news to get to share! Clara has a book about being a big sister and she loves to read it. She also understands (at least a little) that her cousin Taylor just became a big sister to cousin Brendan and thinks that it is pretty neat. When asked she will tell you that she wants a "brother" yet if you continue to ask whether she'd like a boy or a girl sibling she is adamant that she would like it to be a girl! We are pretty sure Clara will be a little shocked for a while once our precious "Gem" arrives, but are positive she will make a tremendous helper!
Due to this exciting development, the pace of our life has slowed down a lot! Mommy and Clara spend most of our days at home and have cut back on the number of playgroups and activities we participate in. Mommy has been extremely tired with this pregnancy and again has strange aversions to foods. As we near the end of the first trimester, we all look forward to Mommy having more energy so we can make the most of our time left as a happy family of three!

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