Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taylor's 3rd Birthday - Zoo Trip

On Saturday, to celebrate Miss Taylor Alain's 3rd Birthday, we all met up at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. It had been years since Mommy had been there and another first for Clara and Daddy. Being together is such a fantastic treat for Clara and Taylor and with so many fun things to see and do, it ended up being a grand day!

Spinning - when Grandma Jan helped Clara off this ride she underestimated how dizzy Scout would be and Clara took one circular step and biffed it!

This was a pretty big outing for lil' Brendan, who was not yet 6 weeks old. He was great alternating napping in his stroller and Bijorn carrier (therefore, Auntie didn't get too many photos of him).

Clara & Taylor touching the sea life at the Aquarium. Clara still talks about her birthday trip to the Seattle Aquarium and knew just how to gently touch the critters. She was a little disappointed that there were not any scuba divers at this aquarium. She fondly remembers Roberta from the previous trip who she got to talk to and touch hands with on the glass.

We lucked out and were able to catch a lot of the feeding times for the animals. We were very impressed with the polar bears diving for their fruit and the Walrus. This is the third time in the past few weeks that Clara has seen otter so she easily recognized them and again appreciated their cute little show.

It is amazing how fast little Taylor is growing up! She is so sweet and smart and a great role model for her Cousin Clara.


The girls had fun riding the carousel at the zoo and Clara was proud to ride the UW Husky dog. She was excited to tell Auntie Michele about this part of our adventure when we saw her the next day!

Uncle Ryan and Tay going down the fun slide

Uncle Kevin and Niece Tay
We capped off the day with a fun birthday dinner for Taylor at Red Robin (complete with the sundae) and then headed our separate directions. Clara gave Taylor a camera just like the one Clara's cousins gave her for her birthday. Everyone was tired, but happy!

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