Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Adventure to Fall City Farms

The Michael Family at Fall City Farms
What a beautiful October day we chose to go to the pumpkin patch, although we were not the only ones, the quaint farm we stumbled upon last year was bustling with families this year when we returned with my family along with us! We almost turned back when we encountered a bit of a traffic jam along the country road to the farm. Once we got parked, we ended up having a blast. There were a lot of great activities for Clara and Taylor. Little Janie didn't make a peep the whole outing - she seems to enjoy riding in the Bjorn carrier.

The growing Stevens clan.

Clara was so excited to go out and explore!

Uncle Matt & Taylor in the Hay Maze

Girls running through the hay maze - great way to wear them out!

Papa Mark & Brendan Matthew

Tay being silly

Clara wanted to stand on the pumpkin - She needed Daddy's help to do it in her boots!

She was on the quest for "the perfect pumpkin" ... much so that she was hard to keep up with!

Mama & her Scout

These cousins LOVE being together!

We took advantage of the great seasonal backdrops for some fun family photo opps.

The girls with Grandma Jan and Papa Mark

Uncle Matt, Auntie Danielle and Cousins Taylor and Brendan

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