Friday, October 29, 2010

Playgroup Halloween Party

We have been attending the Highlands Playgroup for almost two years now. The group has gone through lots of changes in that time, but we always enjoy the good friends and fun activities like the Halloween party. This year Clara was so excited to be Dorothy!

Scout has been REALLY into dress up lately and had turned another dress up costume into her version of Dorothy and wears it daily! We let her look at lots of other fun options and while she was swayed for a little while by Ariel, and still likes to dress up like a witch, she has been dead set on being Dorothy for weeks. Mommy, being the life-long Wizard of Oz fanatic wasn't exactly sure I was ready for this. It is not the year (with J's arrival) for me to attempt to make a Dorothy costume or even have the rest of us dress up as corresponding characters, which I would LOVE to do someday. When we started to look at costumes, I turned up my nose at many which were not at all authentic looking, some with sequins all over (don't even get me started about the sequins and dress up clothes situation in our household), others that were not even recognizable as Dorothy with random colors and flair all over the costume resembling more of a toddler pageant outfit. While it is a little big, the one we found was indeed acceptable and Clara is over the moon! The costume has been hanging in her closet for a few weeks and when she finally got to wear it, she felt so proud. She walked around playgroup completely in character, telling everyone that she had a dog named Toto and she lived in Kansas - it was absolutely adorable!!

We dressed Janie up too, but she spent almost the entire party asleep in her seat so Mommy snapped this shot of her in her pumpkin shirt once we got home.

The kiddos enjoying snack and getting ready to do song time.

Clara decorating her very own pumpkin with stickers! Stickers are currently another one of her favorite things. She now has the motor dexterity to be able to effectively peel stickers from their backing all by herself and therefore can be entertained with sticker projects for hours. She will go through a whole page of stickers in a matter of minutes.

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