Thursday, March 31, 2011

Caspar Babypants with Logan & Hayden!

Yesterday, Logan, Hayden and Christy came up to go to a Caspar Babypants concert with us. We have been to several of the concerts and frequently rock out to his tunes, but hadn't been to one lately. It was a packed house at the Sammamish Library, but we had a great time. Janie enjoyed the music and bouncing kiddos from her seat. At first all the kids were a little hesitant to get up and dance. After a while, Clara & Hayden got right in there and got their groove on. Logan was more interested in the comic books he found.

Clara loved sitting on Christy's lap!

Caspar's finale! We bought his new cd and will look forward to the next show. I think we are turning into groupies!

Princess Party for Alma

Clara attended her first princess party for her friend Alma last weekend. Boy oh Boy, was the party right up her alley! Each girl was asked to come in their favorite princess outfit. When they arrived they got tiaras, jewelry and put on beautiful makeup and even nail polish. Clara, or should I say Snow White, was just tickled!

Then each princess was presented to the group!

There was a princess pinata...

... and a yummy princess cake! So much fun! Happy Birthday, Alma!


Janie seems to be changing every single day!

She has become quite the little exersaucer queen!

Our lil' J Bug had her 6 month appointment last week and weighted 16 pounds, 8.5 ounces and is 26 3/4 inches long. She is continuing to grow like a healthy lil' weed. She has pudgy little legs, a round tummy and full cheeks. Clara was so long and skinny at this age so it is fun to have a baby with her own unique look. On Monday, she had her ultrasound at Children's Hospital and we were relieved to learn that her kidney condition has made some progress. The scans indicated that one of the valves is still enlarged but that they were optimistic that it could correct itself over time. If she doesn't show any other concerns we will not have to have another scan until next year. We are thankful for this good news!
These girls ADORE one another! I know that we have to be prepared for the spats they will have when they are older, but lets hope that adoration is one thing that never changes.

New foods from a new chair...

Miss Janie's adventure of trying new foods has begun... even better is that she has a new chair to experience it all from! She likes hanging out in the chair watching Mommy make dinner or hanging out with the rest of the family while we eat. Rice cereal wasn't a good fit for her system so we quickly changed over to oatmeal. She especially liked it when was mixed with a little pear juice, but turned her nose up to it when it was made with formula - our little gal has cuisine preferences already!
Next was butternut squash...yummers! Sweet Janie waiting patiently while Mommy makes her food.

Then sweet potatoes...

Our sweet little Janie also has quite the preferences what she drinks - She continues to refuse the bottle and so we are trying to employ methods to trick her into taking a bottle again, like experimenting with different bottles and nipples, trying a little sweet pear juice from a bottle...

...or even juice from a fun, new sippy cup. She will take this, but likes it mostly to chew on and not really as a means to take a meal of milk.

Janie was a quick study with the Mam Mams. One of these can occupy her for quite a while! I love how she was staring this one down!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Half-Birthday Lil' Gem!

March 20, 2011

With how fast the time is flying by these days, and how little it feels like I can get done in a day, I sometimes wonder if I somehow slip into some strange unconscious state for half of the hours of my day or something... I remember when Clara was 6 months old, it came faster than I had hoped, but also felt like it could be six months of time. With Janie's milestones, I feel like we are living in warp speed and I am just getting over the fact that she isn't a newborn anymore and like that, she is HALF OF A YEAR OLD... no way!

While the past 6 months with Janie have been busy, we all adore our sweet little baby girl. When she is well-rested, fed and being held, Janie is the happiest and most content baby. She loves to be snuggled and held all of the time. Sadly, we cannot hold her all of the time and this month she has made some great strides in the area of self entertainment. She really enjoys her exersaucers, playing with toys while she is in the soothey seat or hanging out under a baby gym. Janie LOVES toys! She has a few favorites that always make her smile and it is so cute to watch how interested she becomes in touching all of the different textures or listening to the different sounds shaking or biting them makes. We are entertained just watching her curiously explore. Her interests are starting to extend beyond her toys to ANYTHING she can get her hands on. Her blue eyes widen when an item catches her eyes and she quickly bats at it and tries to bring it toward her. After feeling it several times she likes to get it to her mouth for further investigation.

Our Janie Bug is still not a fan of tummy time. She can be distracted into a few minutes of it at a time, but when she realizes she's on her tummy she quickly escalates and gets mad. We thought that this dislike would provide enough motivation for her to roll over, but that is not the case. Once she is mad, all her energy goes into letting us know she is mad, so at six months, Gem Baby does not roll over. She easily gets close to rolling from her back to her tummy, but it is almost like she stops herself knowing how much she despises being on her tummy. She has gotten a lot better at sitting up in the past week and a half. She is pretty steady unless bumped or lunges out to get a toy and once her balance is off, she often tips over.

Janie loves being around other kids. Big Sister Scout is the best form of entertainment. Clara can get Janie giggling by making faces, playing peek-a-boo, or making silly raspberry sounds. We also go to playgroup and now that Janie is so interested in kids, she loves the songs during circle time, especially the ones with hand motions like, All the Fish, Wheels on the Bus and Tick-Tock. When Jane is fussy, sometimes singing the first line of one of these songs will bring a smile to her face. It is so precious!

Janie continues to be a Mommy's girl, especially at night. She has been known to give her poor Daddy a tough time when mommy runs out for a little while, just like her Mommy was known for as a baby! Daddy and Clara have occasionally given her some rice cereal and will soon be starting with veggies. Janie gave up the bottle for the moment and so we have started to introduce a cup. She loves to play with it, but seems to still think of it as a chew toy as opposed to really drinking out of it. Yesterday we diluted down some pear juice to put in the cup and when she sucked just right and got a taste, she seemed to enjoy it.
Janie was such a great sleeper at first, then went through a phase where she wanted to eat, and sometimes be awake and play at night, so now we are finally getting back to sleeping more frequently through the night. It has been weeks since she slept in her bassinet as she has transitioned to her crib in the nursery pretty well, with the occasional night in the swing or even our bed. Kevin still is not a fan of this, but occasionally we have loosened up a little on our "rules" in order to get some sleep.
We are SO in love with this sweet little face (that looks more and more like Uncle Ryan all the time), her cute giggles, silly baby babble, and nighttime snuggles. And probably one of the best things about this current stage is that we are starting to really feel the adoration back from Janie. She knows that she belongs with us! And while it felt like she was born just a few weeks ago, having sweet Janie as part of our family unit feels so right, that it is becoming harder and harder to recall how it was to be just a family of three.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cousins trip to Hands On Museum

Clara, Janie & Mommy spent our weekend in Chehalis with Grandma & Grandpa while Daddy had a well-deserved get away to Las Vegas for March Madness with his friends. Today we got cousin Taylor to come along with us for a trip to the Hands On Museum. Both girls had been before, but not together. They had so much fun!! Above is really the only photo I have of them looking at the camera. The rest of the time they were just too busy playing to be bothered for a photo.

One favorite was playing Dentist...

What a great sport Grandma Jan is!

Another favorite was Digging!

For most of the trip, Janie was packed around in the Bjorn, but she had a wonderful time in the baby area checking herself out in the mirror...

... and tasting her sockie!

What a fun day - we can't wait for our next trip!

St. Patrick's Day Fun

We had a busy, but fun St. Patrick's Day this year. We started off with playgroup. It is hard to believe that Clara is one of the older kids in this group. We started attending when she was 8 1/2 months old! We have made some wonderful friends and Clara has benefited immensely, both socially and from an educational standpoint, from attending every Thursday (well, a little less frequent since Janie has arrived).

The craft of the day was making a Blarney Stone!

Scout's Creation - ready for kisses...

Special playgroup friends, Ava, Amanda & Vivi

Shamrock Girl!

Ring around the Rosie! The best part is that they were not prompted to do this at all. These kiddos are just know how to have a good time together!

Even the little ones
Janie Bug & her adorable leprechaun pal, Idan

Happy 1st St. Patrick's Day, Janie Caroline

We spent our afternoon at another great playdate at Clara's other pal Ava's house! Silly Mommy didn't bring her memory card in her camera and doesn't have photo documentation of that great play, but the treats were festive, activities were bountiful and playmates adorable as well!

Baking for St Patricks Day

Clara really enjoys baking with Mommy, and getting to wear her cute little "Dorothy apron," as she refers to it, which Davis got her for Christmas. After striking out at finding green Hostess Snowballs (something my mom used to surprise us with in our school lunches) at several stores this year, we attempted to make our own green cupcake version.

Our Scout has become skilled at adding and mixing ingredients and, or course, decorating!

Our green stuff

Our St. Patrick's Day Snowball Cupcakes

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Double Playdate

Cousin Julie and Auntie Pat nanny for two sweet little boys, Landon who is 4 and Chase who is a month older than Janie. Landon and Clara have played together several times before but this was our first time meeting Mr. Chase. He really liked Janie, smiling and lighting up when she was near. She on the other hand, was interested in watching him, but wasn't quite as expressive in her enthusiasm. Together they played toys and watched a little Baby Einstein video on the iPad.
Chase seemed to really love the Baby Einstein video! It was Janie's first time watching and wasn't quite as captivated!

Landon and Clara ate special Mickey Mouse grilled cheese sandwiches and played LOTS of Legos! We need to do more playdates with Landon because he seems like a great kid and he and Scout got along wonderfully!

Happy 4th Birthday Taylor Alain

Such sweetie pies!

Four years ago, we all waited and waited at the hospital for the arrival of the first Stevens grandchild, Miss Taylor Alain. What a special memory and what a special kid! She is such a bright, witty and adventurous kiddo who plays hard, loves her little cousins, and really loves ice cream cake! We are so proud of you and enjoyed being a part of your birthday celebration, Tay!

Since Tay had SO much fun playing dress up the night before, we went out and got her some dress up accessories the morning before her party to go along with her birthday gift. Gotta love her face as she models the ensemble!

Grandma & Grandpa Stevens with Grandkids

Grandma & Grandpa Swanson with Great-Grandkids