Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cousins trip to Hands On Museum

Clara, Janie & Mommy spent our weekend in Chehalis with Grandma & Grandpa while Daddy had a well-deserved get away to Las Vegas for March Madness with his friends. Today we got cousin Taylor to come along with us for a trip to the Hands On Museum. Both girls had been before, but not together. They had so much fun!! Above is really the only photo I have of them looking at the camera. The rest of the time they were just too busy playing to be bothered for a photo.

One favorite was playing Dentist...

What a great sport Grandma Jan is!

Another favorite was Digging!

For most of the trip, Janie was packed around in the Bjorn, but she had a wonderful time in the baby area checking herself out in the mirror...

... and tasting her sockie!

What a fun day - we can't wait for our next trip!

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