Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Backyard Sprinkler

Last week Daddy made a week long trip to London for business, business that included staying at a resort and playing golf, but time away nonetheless.  We made the most of the afternoon we had together before he left.  The weather was perfect and so he set up the sprinkler for the first time this year in the back yard. 

Janie wasn't quite sure what to think of this silly thing that squirted water in every direction.  She planted herself in one spot and decided to figure it out! 

Clara made calculated runs through the yard, trying to just get a little wet but squealing when the water hit her.  Eventually (and unprompted) she decided she would show Janie how it was done, grabbed her by the hand and helped her run through the sprinkles.  It was one of those heart happy moments for us!

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