Sunday, June 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, G.G.!

While Daddy was in London (at some fancy schmancy resort, playing golf), Mommy and the girls had a nice visit to Chehalis.  Our first night we celebrated G.G.'s birthday with a fun little party! 

Clara associates every birthday with a party of some sort, and is happy as long as we sing and there is dessert! 

Grandma Jan gave everyone fun party hats to make it extra festive!  Pop makes it look pretty dapper, wouldn't you say!?!

G.G. blowing out her candles with the help from Clara & Janie

And Janie was hitting up Grandma Wanda for "bites"!  So sweet!
We were glad when Daddy came home, but we managed to change up our routine enough that the week went by quickly and we had some fun, too!

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