Monday, June 11, 2012

3's Program - Preschool Graduation

This face might say more about Clara's first year of preschool graduation than I ever could with words.  We decided that we would make a big deal out of her special achievement.  Kevin, who had been in Philadelphia, stayed home from work, we dressed up, had worked together on gifts for Clara to give her teachers and I even rushed through the hour before the ceremony making a candy lei to give her after she "graduated".  I was looking forward to all these cute photo opps...  Then we walk in and immediately Mrs. Mac greets me and says that Clara is upset in the bathroom after getting bumped in the mouth by another kid and warned that she was a little upset.  That was an understatement!  Clara was, by her standards, hysterical!  I thought I was able to get her cleaned up and calm before the ceremony but when the marched in, with her classmates (to the graduation song) one look at us, and she started wailing, WAILING.  We had to take her out into the hall for the majority of the performance.  Eventually, she was able to pull it together in time for the individual presentation of the graduates.

The last graduate marching in...

Little sister watching on with concern.

According to Clara, her favorite things about preschool are,  "playing and learning to read", when she grows up she wants to be "a teacher," and it also should be noted that she believes her hair color is "golden yellow!"

Clara & Mrs. Mac

The piece of chocolate cake seemed to help her mood quite a bit!

Clara & friend, Aspen

Clara LOVES these amazing teachers! 

Amazing how fast this year flew by!  Here is the photo of Clara with Mrs. Mac & Mrs. Joanne at the beginning of the year.  Looking back, even though it felt like yesterday, she does seem so much younger!

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