Sunday, July 22, 2012

Manzanita Girls Trip!

Less than 2 weeks after our family trip to Manzanita, the girls & I had the opportunity to go back with Grandma Carol.  It was fun to have a girls trip!  Having just been there the girls were tunned into the house and loved playing up in the crows nest.  Their sleeping went much better and the weather was even nicer than it had been. 

One day we made a trip into Seaside to meet up with Auntie Sherri who was in town with Ashley and her dance team who were competing at the National Tournament there.  On our way out of town a few days later, we were able to catch some of Ashley's performances and the girls were both captivated by the routines!  Together we did a little shopping and enjoyed yummy ice cream!

We made several trips down to the beach.  The view was breathtaking!!  Despite the weather being warmer, the wind was crazy and over the dry sand it was sometimes hard to keep it out of the girls' face.  Unfortunately, our trips to the beach didn't last very long and I therefore captured a lot less photos.

Janie indicating that she had had ENOUGH!!

One of my favorite parts of going to Manzanita beach is when you are walking over the dunes and you first get a glimpse of the water -- AHHH!  Breathtaking!

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