Sunday, July 22, 2012


Oh how we LOVE Manzanita! 

What a great trip our little family had down to the beach house this past June.  We we not able to use all the days that we had reserved so we had Grandma & Grandpa Stevens enjoy it for a few days and then had a morning of fun on the beach with them before they headed home. 

Since Janie had just started to crawl during out last trip down, we were so excited to see how she received the beach, sand, water and sea life.  As expected, Clara LOVED being in the water and making things in the sand!  Both girls were getting over spring colds while we were there and the runny nose seemed to hamper a bit of Janie's fun at times.  She often melted down once she got wet and sand stuck to her hands, but all in all it was a blast to have some sunny days on the beach together. 

Our handsome Daddy! 

Janie bug with her binkie!  We have not even tried to get her to give it up yet, but hopefully soon!

This trip we did a lot of relaxing back at the house insted of trying to cram in day trips every day to neighboring towns.  We never went further South than Manzanita and it one of the few times we have passed up on The Blue Herron & Tillamook Cheese Factory.  Instead we played puzzles, took walks, watched a few classic movies and just really enjoyed one another.
One tradition we did not pass up on was getting ice cream! 

It was fun to see our sweeties explore the new enviornment. Clara's immagination was in fine form and Janie got some fun thrills experiencing things for the first time. 

We spent one morning over on the bay while the tide was out and couldn't help but remember our trip down with the family just two years before

We are so thankful for our wonderful memories of that trip with Grandpa! 


Absolutely beautiful!
Manzanita is a very special place for our family and look forward to many more fun trips in the years ahead!

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